Walks: Workout for the whole body Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

Walks: A boon for the people

You need not necessarily go to the gym to become fitter and get in shape. It can be enough to regularly go for a walk. This Form of exercise is not only good for the body but also the soul.

Who wants to do something for his Fitness and in the Form of would like to come, you must sign up or in a gym in a home trainer invest. Instead, regular walks are sufficient. The Barmer health insurance Fund in a recent communication indicates.

Movement in a relaxed atmosphere

“Walks are a Work-out for the whole body. You strengthen muscles, stamina and breathing. Also for the soul, it is good to move outside and the hustle and bustle of everyday life to let go of,“ explains Klaus Mohlendick, a sports scientist at the Barmer.

Fresh air, sun light and the natural movement in a relaxed atmosphere for everyone people a treat. That walks help reduce stress and increase well-being, also shows a in the journal “Frontiers in Psychology” published a study by researchers at the University of Michigan (USA). In addition, brisk walking can go to the German heart Foundation’s good for the heart and circulation to be.

Walks have, according to the Barmer has the advantage that you could just be in everyday life, and also of people with illness-related limitations in General, easily mastered built-in.

Also time go faster

Who wants to walk, can usually begin, so Mohlendick more. Aside from comfortable shoes, weather-appropriate clothing, a pedometer for sporty and Ambitious, as well as a sufficient protection against the UV radiation, no special equipment is required.

“It is recommended to Start a walk daily, for about half an hour. If you like and a bit fitter, you can combine the walks with run of units or during the walk a faster pace you hit“, so Mohlendick.

Whom it while Walking in the woods and meadows to draw, then you should wear long pants and solid shoes to protect yourself from injuries, tick bites, and insect bites.

Physical limitations to consider

Older people went for a walk, advises the Barmer-expert to take into account in the selection of the route and any existing physical limitations. “Steep inclines, rocky trails, as well as a lot of the roots are rather not suitable for very old and perhaps frail walkers. A walk in a Park, with level Paths and Seating areas are certainly more likely,“ says Mohlendick. (ad)

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