NDR Podcast with virologist Drosten: Here you will find the consequences of the Corona Updates

The Coronavirus-Update with the Berlin-based virologist Christian Drosten is currently one of the most popular Podcasts in Germany. Since the end of February, the NDR is talking to the scientists about the current pandemic. Here you will find all editions of the Podcasts.

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Until a few months ago, the Name Christian Drosten was probably the only science, and among them, mainly virologists, as well as science journalists. Since then, the spread of the Coronavirus in Germany, is asked for the opinion and the Knowledge of Drosten. So in demand that the NDR Podcast "The Coronavirus-Update" to become for many Germans an Institution.

During the week of the NDR of published Monday to Friday in a about half an hour, new edition, Professor Drosten, head of the Berlin Charité, the Institute for Virology. The advice and classifications, the Drosten daily, listen to meanwhile, million people.

Even abroad, in exchange of Anja Martini and Betty Hennig moderated NDR finds-Podcast now popular. FOCUS Online presents here the latest episode of the podcast and all previous episodes.

"The Coronavirus-Update": Here you find the latest Podcast episode with Christian Drosten

Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: herd immunity still not in sight (33)


The NDR also provides any sequence of the Coronavirus-Podcasts shortly after the publication of the script as available on the web. So those interested can read about each episode again.

Drosten receives special award for communication

The German research Foundation (DFG) and the Stifterverband is characterised by the Berlin-based virologist Christian Drosten, with a special prize for his communication in the Corona-crisis. The Director of the Virology Institute of the Berlin Charité’m currently "like no other Wissenschaftler" for the special role of science in the womb during the pandemic, said the DFG on Monday. Drosten’ve done, is that science is perceived within a short period of time as the most reliable guidance for the crisis management.

He corrected also not scientifically finished hypotheses, and communicating the limits of his own knowledge, was praised by the DFG and the Stifterverband more. The one-time special price for "extraordinary benefits for science and society in the face of a dramatic Pandemieentwicklung" want to the DFG and the Stifterverband give at the end of June on the DFG’s annual meeting. Drostens award is endowed with 50,000 euros.

The virologist was pleased. It was a "personal Anliegen", to share the current Knowledge with the Public, said Drosten. "The only way the people can cases, self-judgments, Anxieties, and infection-related decisions in your own everyday life."

All of the previous episodes for that podcast:

Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: Now with a high-pressure research questions to clarify (32)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: A cons infection is unlikely (31)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: researchers hope that volunteers donate to (30)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: Tests need to be better targeted (29)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: Well, the breath plays a role (28)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: mobile Apps can offer a perspective (27)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: Genbasierte vaccines have the potential (26)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: Personal security through mobile data (25)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: We need to continue to be patient (24)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten, research now needs a network (23)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: Still no breakthrough in the case of drugs (22)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: anti-body tests to come soon (21)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten, Germany can only partially learn from others (20)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: masks can protect others (19)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: The effectiveness of curfews is unclear (18)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: Malaria drug for the time being, no hope (17)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: We need abbreviations for vaccine approval (16)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: "Be infected, apparently immun" (15)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: "Beware of Vereinfachungen" (14)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: "Of course you can still gehen&quot shopping; (13)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: close schools and communities support (12)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: "We now have to specifically handeln" (11)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: major events cancel (10)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: "We need to schützen&quot the older people; (9)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: "Viruses mutate immer" (8)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: It is not the time for selfishness (7)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: "Doctors and nurses regularly testen" (6)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: "We need pragmatic Lösungen" (5)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: "Infections are more steigen" (4)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: "It is not a black-and-weiß" (3)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: "Panic is unangebracht" (2)


Coronavirus-Update with Christian Drosten: "We can verlangsamen&quot the spread; (1)


Who is Christian Dorsten?

Christian Drosten first studied chemical engineering and biology in Dortmund and Münster, but changed after two years at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University of Frankfurt am Main and studied medicine.

After he graduated in the year 2000, the third state examination, he completed his PhD at the Institute for transfusion medicine and immune Haematology of the DRK blood donor service Hessen, Germany. His PhD thesis was awarded with summa cum laude.

After he graduated in the year 2000, the third state examination, he completed his PhD at the Institute for transfusion medicine and immune Haematology of the DRK blood donor service Hessen, Germany. His PhD thesis was awarded with summa cum laude.

Dorsten on the Corona-location: More on the subject of you will find here

  • The Corona-Professor: Germany has the best man for the Virus crisis
  • The Corona-Professor: Germany has the best man for the Virus crisis

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