Mindfulness tips to combat the everyday monotony – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

The Everyday with new eyes to see

There are always phases in which the everyday life is grey and monotonous. Variety and adventure? Fail display. This is true for many of us, particularly during the restrictions imposed by the Corona pandemic. The Sofa in the stress of everyday life was before the crisis, often our place of longing, most of us have it by now thoroughly sick and tired of spending so much time in the own four walls.

Fortunately, you can do something about it, if you slowly but surely, “the ceiling falls on the head”: Dr. Stella Tran, an expert in clinical neuro-psychology, tells us in an article in the Mayo Clinic four tips, we bring a fresh Wind in the Lockdown everyday.

1. You look at your home as a Museum

As a first tip, Dr. Tran advises, to look around the home in between all of our memorabilia:

“Take a Moment to identify an object from their past and to appreciate. Do you have an heirloom of one of the parents? Do you have a drawing from a grandchild? You have a series of portraits on your fireplace, you usually go unnoticed over?“

Choose a subject and you remember his story. Dr. Tran is recommended to share the memory then with other people, in person, or during a (Video)phone call, and these people, also after a reminder to ask, which is associated with an object.

2. Do a daily activity mindfully

One of the many benefits of mindfulness training is that it can be wonderfully incorporated in everyday life. Because theoretically we can use any activity for Practice, to stay in the Moment, simply by focusing on this process. This applies to brush, for example, for teeth, showering, cooking or Cleaning.

Therefore, Dr. Stella Tran, one of these day to day activities choose that you want to perform from now on every Time fully aware of, for example, washing the dishes: “dishes is a great activity to cultivate mindfulness advises, because it is a multi-sensory experience, and it is usually carried out with the Autopilot.”

What it means to be an activity fully aware of perform? Try to get out of the “Autopilot-mode” to get out. Take each step of the process, as you would do something for the very first Time.

If you choose washing the dishes, focus on your senses: How does the washing-up liquid, how the water feels on the skin, what’s the temperature? There are noises in the process? How about the dishes, you wash just? What is the color of it, the surface is smooth or rough?

Everyday to do activities this way, with the result that we perceive consciously and in the best case, new, interesting aspects to discover. In addition, mindfulness can reduce Stress and the risk for health problems such as high blood pressure lower.

3. You can make a romantic evening

Dr. Stella Tran is recommended for both Singles as well as couples, often times a romantic evening to plan the house: “Transform your dining room by turning on mood lighting, special dishes out, get relaxing music to play or a new recipe to try out. Maybe you want to take off your Slippers!“

So the Routine is break through and take his home from a different perspective.

4. They consume news

As the fourth and last tip, to make the everyday life while the Corona-crisis alert, call the expert, the limitation of news consumption. While it is important to bring up to date regularly, however, you should pay attention to where and what time you are doing this. Permanent Consume of messages on the pandemic could mean for some people, Stress.

Specifically, Dr. Tran advises the following: “See you in the morning and/or afternoon, a half-hour long message, and save the nights for reading or other relaxing activities. You are considering setting up a stress-free Zone (such as, for example, the bedroom) and you avoid to consume in these spaces messages.“

What’s behind the term “mindfulness”?

The term “mindfulness” for a few years, everyone is talking about. A mindful way of life to help reduce Stress.

The term comes from the English MBSR, “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction”. What is behind it and why it is so healthy, you will learn in our article, “mindfulness: The patent recipe against Stress”.

There are courses in which the method under the guidance of learning. Some health insurance companies will cover the course fees in full or Pro-rata – please ask beforehand. Certified courses in your area or online, please see the Association of mindfulness teaching. (kh)