Italian Doctor: “Listen on the way home, the Beeping of the oxygen equipment”

For more than a month, she works almost nonstop in the ICU. Francesca Mangiatordi is a medicine inside, the fight in Italy to the lives of many corona patients. What you experienced every day, is like a nightmare.

Every day it goes for you to the lives of people. The Doctor Francesca Mangiatordi works in the hospital in the Northern Italian city of Cremona, about 100 kilometers from Bergamo, the Italian epicenter of the corona of a crisis. The “image” reported the 46-Year-old about their everyday lives.

“Up to 20. February, Wuhan in China was gone for all of us very far. No one would have thought it possible that a city that is so far away, can bring so much misfortune upon us,“ said Mangiatordi.

In the beginning, they have been able to in the faces of your work colleagues, only a certain amount of uncertainty. The uncertainty gave way now to the right from the despair.

20. February, the first corona patient appeared in the clinic. Today, about a month later, in Italy, there are 80.589 Infected, 8215 people have died of the consequences of the Virus. Thus, the country is at the forefront of all deaths, ahead of Spain and China. (Stand: 27. March, 11 am)   

“As if you were to Drown”

The Doctors are overwhelmed, emergency supply, and capacities are far from sufficient to care for all patients. While the Doctors treat the Person, is already brought the next to you. At the beginning of the week, 40 patients were in the ICU – even though the hospital only has capacity for ten severely ill.

To see how much the patients suffer, it is hard for the Doctors, “All of them had the color of a deep blue face. As they were just prior to the Drowning,“ reported the Physician. “Those who could still run independently, stopped after two steps, as you would a Marathon.”

“We feel like on a boat in the raging seas”

It was a nightmare. To believe that it happened really. “Even when I’m not in the clinic, I have the noise in my ears, as people gasp for air,” says Mangiatordi.

Doctors wear protective suits and breathing masks. This makes it hard to breathe, hard to move. “We feel like on a boat in the raging seas,” says the 46-Year-old. “We are thrown from right to left and try to somehow go to the front. But it will simply not work.“

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“Contrary to what has brought us to choose this profession”

An additional, great burden: Mangiatordi must choose. Choose who you treated first. “There were too many patients and too little staff,” says the Doctor of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”. You must decide whom you treated, and if not, makes the Doctor to create.

“We have tried to help all, without difference. And since we must choose, we suffer as a people are difficult to including“. Often older patients have to wait, because the boy would be dealt with first. “This is contrary to all our principles. This is contrary to everything that has brought us to choose this profession. You can’t choose who lives and who doesn’t,“ she says.

None of your colleagues speak. The physicians communicated only with Looks. “The only noise the Beeping of the oxygen devices. Sometimes I hear her on the way home.“

“Afraid to bring the Evil home”

After her shift, the Doctor takes a shower, met on the way out to yet another patient, you look for help and advice asking. Many are alone, have no family.

At home you shower a second Time. Out of consideration for your family you keep your distance to your loved one. “I’m afraid of the Evil you bring,” says Mangiatordi. “A hug would be the best, but I must protect my family.”

You can see in the Video: Where is Coronavirus? Real-time map showing the spread of the disease

FOCUS Online/Wochit you will See in the Video: Where occurs Coronavirus on? Real-time map showing the spread of the disease