COVID-19-treatment options investigated: tablets, drops, nasal spray – natural healing naturopathic specialist portal

The research team is investigating treatment options for COVID-19

Currently there are no specific drug, the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) to prevent or treat it. But the world’s scientists, what are the active compounds can be used for this purpose. A research team from southern Germany is investigating therapeutic options for COVID-19.

In the past few weeks, has been reported repeatedly on medicines, which could allow a COVID-19-treatment. So researchers found that at the end of Australia, a medium that is used for scabies, can inhibit within 48 hours the replication of SARS-CoV-2 viruses. And Researchers from Canada a drug that blocks a key receptor identified infected with the SARS-CoV-2 to its hosts. Also in Germany therapy explores options for COVID-19.

Studies on the dosage form

As the Hochschule Biberach (HBC) in a recent communication, writes that research scientists in the world and under high pressure at present, which active substances can be used for the treatment of COVID-19.

Among the studies, which are intended to provide information about how the Coronavirus-can the disease be treated, also studies on the dosage form, so the question was, whether a drug, for example, is administered as a tablet or as drops.

A question that Researchers from the faculty of biotechnology at Biberach University of applied Sciences (HBC) deal, among other things, in direct connection with the Coronavirus.

Dosage of antibodies on the respiratory mucous membranes

Katharina Zimmermann, Professor of Molecular pharmacology and biochemistry, is already investigating mucous membranes for many years, the specific dosage of anti-bodies via the Airway. Had you started together with her colleagues Professor Chrystelle Mavoungou and Professor Annette sheep masters with nasal sprays.

In connection with the investigation of treatment options for neurological diseases such as Multiple sclerosis (MS) explores the HBC, the targeted application of active substances via the nose into the brain.

In the meantime, the project group is working on a kind of patch (Patch); first, however, aerosols have been investigated in order to distribute, antibodies in the nose and lungs.

In 2017, the expert published a scientific Paper: “A comprehensive screening platform for aerosolizable protein formulations for intranasal and pulmonary drug delivery” “A comprehensive Screening platform for Protein aerosol formulation to be administered in the nose and in the lungs”.

Administration of Protein-aerosols in the pharyngeal cavity

“In connection with the Corona-pandemic, these studies are asked over again and,” says Mrs carpenter. In the last few weeks learning and pharmaceutical companies the requests received were from other science to further Details of your research with her.

Administration of Protein-aerosols in the pharyngeal cavity could be used for the treatment of COVID-19-patients and in-patients. Because if it were possible, the infection in the throat curb, can’t spread the Virus may not be as solid on the lungs.

A therapeutic approach could therefore be to inhale in a targeted specific anti-body via the nose and mouth, a necessary to support the immune response against the pathogen. “The nature of the molecule is crucial, as is the manner of administration,” says Zimmermann.

Here, the Biberach-based research team could draw on his previous experiences, because the mucous membranes of the upper and lower respiratory tract of the human body are very similar.

Active substances for which an authorisation is present

The Team of Professor Zimmermann translated his findings from the intra-nasal administration to the pharyngeal mucosa, the bronchial tubes and the lungs. Testing this, the researchers lead by the Biberach University of applied Sciences, on tissue residues of pigs for slaughter.

According to the report, the structure of the tissue was histologically similar to a human; in addition, animal tests can be avoided, explains the scientist. Objective is Protein-active substances to be administered to, for which a marketing authorisation exists, the biochemist.

“This saves time – a factor that plays in connection with the Coronavirus pandemic a Central role,” says Zimmermann. (ad)