Corona-a suspected case in Lufthansa plane – passengers and Crew are investigated

Due to infection with the novel Coronavirus have died in China as early as 132 people. The Virus spreads faster than previously thought. In Germany, the first cases are now known.

  • Four people in Bavaria have been infected with the Coronavirus
  • The WHO estimates the risk "very high in China, high in the Region and high on world-wide Niveau" a
  • The evaluation means but no Declaration of an international health emergency – this is only stated very rarely.
  • Bavaria switches Hotline for concerned citizens – number is: 09131/6808 5101

Corona-a suspected case in Lufthansa plane – passengers and Crew are investigated

On Board of a Lufthansa aircraft, there has been a Corona-a suspected case. At the on Wednesday morning in Nanjing, landed flight LH780 from Frankfurt, a man had participated in that was classified by the Chinese authorities as a risk event, the company confirmed in Frankfurt. The Chinese should have been coughing, and two weeks earlier in the city of Wuhan have been, in the the novel Coronavirus first noticed had been. If he is indeed infected, remained unclear. Previously the site had reported “Aerotelegraph”.

The passengers sitting three rows in front of and behind the man, had been investigated by the Chinese authorities as well as the Crew of the Airbus A 340, said the Lufthansa spokesman. Flight attendants and pilots were then switched immediately to the next machine to Frankfurt. The return flight LH781 should land on Wednesday evening in Frankfurt. The German authorities had been informed about the process, said the airline. dpa/Sina Schuldt/dpabild passengers on the Lufthansa Desk at the airport.

Where is Corona Virus everywhere? Real-time map showing the spread of the disease

FOCUS Online/Wochit Where occurs Corona Virus everywhere? Real-time map showing the spread of the disease  

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