The pandemic keeps Germany and the world continue to breath! Around 3.7 million people have been infected with the novel Virus-causative agent of Sars-CoV-2 – 168.320 of them in Germany.
The number of deaths in connection with the novel Coronavirus is a worldwide rose to more than 275,000. Worldwide have been reported since the beginning of the pandemic in December 275.328 deaths, such as from the Figures of the Johns Hopkins University from the Saturday show. The United States therefore remain ahead of great Britain and Italy, the most affected countries in the world.
The United States, with more than 77,000 dead for more than a quarter of the victims. The number of infections rose there last, at almost 1.3 million. Then follow the UK with 31.316 deaths and Italy with 30.201. After Spain come with 26.299 dead and France with 26.233.
Europe remains, with more than 150,000 dead, the most affected continent. After that, America and Asia to follow.
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FOCUS Online , “Who of money considers, is the Stupid”: expert warns of Entwertungs-wave
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