Mouth protection made: What materials to intercept the Coronavirus

Many of the materials from the budget are, in order to result an effective Corona-Mouth guard itself. A study from the Max-Planck-Institute for chemistry in Mainz, Germany, confirmed. Cotton fabric, kitchen roll, and Material from vacuum cleaner bags catch droplets mostly to reduce the risk of infection by the Coronavirus.

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The researcher, particle chemistry have found that in every household, plenty of materials that you can use for the custom-made mouthguard, the risk of Transmission of Coronavirus is significantly reduced. A good face mask, you must be able to breathe as easily as possible and, on the other hand, you should hold in an efficient droplets. The works according to the results, well with a double-layer solid cotton fabric, or a combination of vacuum cleaner bags and cotton fabric. Also, the combination of Jersey and beaver fabric to cut. A coffee filter is not a good choice: He holds droplets well, but hardly any air.

The SARS-CoV-2 Virus is about 100 nanometers in size and can pass through fabric masks, theoretically, easy. The fact is, however, that the Virus is delivered in much larger droplets of a few micrometers while Talking, coughing or Sneezing. These restrain those masks: “We have found that all the investigated filter materials deposition, especially large particles of five microns and larger, very efficient. The efficiency is usually 90 percent and over,” said Frank Drewnick, head of the research group in the Department of particle chemistry.