More than half of trusts in the current Coronavirus pandemic health issues the advice of his pharmacist. In addition to the opinion of the physician, the local pharmacy is the most important source of information. The findings of a recent Online survey .
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74 percent of respondents to the local pharmacy if you need medication. Nearly 20 percent said to go about every two weeks in the pharmacy, and 36 percent about once a month there. In the case of a mail-order pharmacy, 21.5 percent of the survey order, participants.
The respondents especially appreciated the expert advice in the local pharmacy: 67 percent indicate that they get there is always useful information and hints. Together with the advice of a doctor (59 percent) of the pharmacist for the majority of the respondents (58.8 percent) to the most important contact person in case of health issues. 49 percent of the research of the best in the Internet, and 45 percent in pharmacy customer magazines such as the New pharmacy Illustrated. The advice of friends and Acquaintances (17 percent) and television (12 percent) to play in health issues, more of a minor role.
Pharmacy customer magazines will be happy to read
Almost half of the participants confirmed they read every issue of the customer magazine. In every second or third edition 42.4 percent look still. In the current time many readers will appreciate the valuable suggestions of interesting topics, as well as the distraction and pastime, the offer of the magazines. The respondents also say they may by reading better relax and get a positive feeling.
In the Online survey on 420 readers, 371 the survey, between 20 had. April and 3. May 2020, fully completed.
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