Despite decades of rigorous research, proving time and time again that vaccines are safe, and copious evidence that vaccines work, saving an estimated 732,000 children’s…
Thanksgiving on a Gluten-Free, Vegetarian or Vegan Diet
This article is based on reporting that features expert sources including Kristi Artz, MD; Lee Cotton, RDN; Beth Czerwony, RD; Alyssa Koens, RD, MS, LN;…
Oh, oh, oh! The clitoris certainly gives pleasure. But does it also help women conceive?
New research reported in the media says the clitoris plays an important role in fertility and reproduction, making it more than an organ that exists…
Multiple sclerosis could be stopped in next DECADE, researchers say
Multiple sclerosis could be stopped in the next DECADE, researchers say as they hail scientific breakthroughs that ‘pave the way to wiping out the condition’…
Still at war with the tobacco epidemic, Indonesia must control e-cigarettes too
Several countries are banning e-cigarettes due to revelations of health risks to both users and bystanders. But in Indonesia, the world’s second-largest cigarette market, the…
Doctors Say Sanders’s Heart Surgery Is Common for People His Age
The Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders had a heart procedure for a blocked artery Tuesday night, and has put his campaign on hold while he…