Sweden’s Top epidemiologist regrets Corona Failure in the elderly

The Coid-19-pandemic keeps the world in breath. More than 9.2 million people have been infected so far worldwide, with the novel Coronavirus, 190.956 in Germany – where it always comes back to local outbreaks.

Sweden’s state epidemiologist regretted Anders Tegnell a part of his strategy in dealing with the Coronavirus. The protection against infection of the Elderly in Swedish facilities for the elderly has failed, and that the death rate "schrecklich", Tegnell said in the popular "Sommar"-Program of the Swedish radio on Wednesday. "We thought, probably, that our age-segregated society would allow us to avoid a Situation like in Italy, where different generations live together much more often. But that proved to be wrong." imago images/TT The Swedish Staatsempidemiologe Anders Tegnell

In Sweden, loose Corona-strategy for the Tegnell spring was a leader in responsible increases, the criticism. Because the infection and death per capita numbers compared to the rest of Scandinavia and to Germany, and very high. In the country with more than ten million inhabitants were tested according to the national health authority to date around the 62,300 people positive to the Virus. More than 5200 people have died in connection with a Corona virus infection.

Said Sweden’s exceptionalism with only moderate restrictions for the population, the 64-Year-old, the health system was able to cope with the pandemic. But, above all, the many deaths among the elderly would have had to be avoided. The epidemiologist was first practiced in early June, self-criticism of the strategy and regretted that the country had taken little measures in the fight against the Virus.

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