Violence and its effects on healthcare service, access, and strategies


Many factors, including need, affect healthcare use. Strategies geared to enhancing the provision and access to healthcare must consider the various mechanisms that contribute to healthcare need and use. Until now, the mechanism of violence and its impact on both health and healthcare use has not been investigated.

A new study from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing (Penn Nursing) is one of the first to examine the association between violence exposure and healthcare service utilization in Mexico. Results are published in the International Journal of Health Equity.

Widespread violence in Mexico can impact health through various channels. The study explores how violence relates to service utilization changes as a possible mechanism that may impact short- and long-term health. “Violence is a pervasive problem in developing nations such as Mexico and its consequences for service utilization are important to understand,” says Laura X. Vargas, Ph.D., MSW, MPA, Vice-Provost post-doctoral fellow at the Penn Injury Science Center at Penn Nursing and lead author of the study.

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