Oral health: Want nice breath and healthy teeth? Kissing is ‘just as good’ as brushing

Tooth decay: Dentist reveals how you can protect your teeth

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Apart from the serotonin boost that comes with a peck, kissing is also “really good” for your teeth. From preventing bad breath to reducing the risk of tooth decay, there’s more to the act from a health perspective, explains Dr Khaled Kasem, Chief Orthodontist at Impress.

Based on the health benefits, the expert recommended including kissing in your daily oral health care routine.

Dr Kasem said: “The main benefit of kissing is that it produces more saliva in your mouth.”

Although this might be obvious, the reason why this is crucial comes down to saliva’s function in your mouth.

“Saliva is important because it helps you chew, taste, swallow, fights germs in your mouth and prevents bad breath – which is definitely ideal when kissing,” the expert noted.

So, if you are worried about having bad breath, taking part in this activity could offer aid.

However, this isn’t the only oral health benefit of kissing and saliva.

Dr Kasem continued: “Saliva also neutralises the acids that sit on your teeth which helps to reduce your risk of getting tooth decay. 

“With that extra saliva in your mouth, it can wash away the bacteria off your teeth, which breaks down stubborn oral plaque.”

What are the symptoms of tooth decay?

According to the NHS, tooth decay may not present with any warning signs at first.

However, it can stir up some problems, including a hole forming in your tooth, later on.

The hole in your tooth can then present with:

  • Toothache 
  • Sharp pain in your tooth when eating or drinking hot, cold or sweet things (sensitive teeth)
  • White, brown or black spots on your tooth
  • Sometimes the tooth or gum can become infected, leading to a painful build-up of pus (dental abscess).

The health service recommends seeing a dentist if you struggle with symptoms pointing to tooth decay. 

Apart from reaping oral health benefits, Dr Kasem also explained that kissing can boost your immune system.

He said: “Last but not least, the exchange of saliva during a kiss encourages the immune system to create more antibodies, which defends your body from infection. 

“Some research shows that we do exchange a lot of bacteria during kissing but this increase of antibodies is in fact a good thing.”

But it’s also worth noting that kissing people who are ill or already have “bad” oral hygiene can lead to “negative impacts”.


Regarding the length and frequency of kissing, the expert advised opting for four minutes each day.

This is the time you want to aim for to “improve your oral health”. 

The doctor added: “So, in short, keep kissing if you want nice breath and healthy teeth.

“But make sure to keep brushing and flossing as well to avoid spreading any germs during your kissing routine.”


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